
Author Topic: MMR ~ Dr Wakefield Struck Off  (Read 1459 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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MMR ~ Dr Wakefield Struck Off
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:32:39 AM »
So they have decided to strike Dr Wakefield off the register for his work on bringing the dangers of multi-vaccinations to public attention.
Part of the judgement as quoted by the BBC includes the following:
Professor Terence Stephenson, president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said the scare over the vaccine had done "untold damage to the UK vaccination programme".

"We cannot stress too strongly that all children and young people should have the MMR vaccine."

The Department of Health reiterated this. A spokesman said: "The safety of MMR has been endorsed through numerous studies in many countries."

I have an egg allergic child ~ egg allergy is one of the most common allergies found in children.
I now quote from the BMJ website
Recommendations for using MMR vaccine in children allergic to eggs

G A Khakoo, consultant paediatrician,  G Lack, consultant.

Department of Paediatric Allergy and Immunology, St Mary's Hospital, London W2 1NY
The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

The measles virus used in the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and single measles vaccine is grown in cultures of fibroblasts from chick embryos, and there have been concerns raised about the possible presence of egg protein in the vaccines and the advisability of administration to individuals who are allergic to eggs. We review the evidence for egg as the agent responsible for allergic reactions to MMR or measles vaccine and propose recommendations based on the evidence. The arguments presented also apply to the single mumps vaccine and all other vaccines derived from egg. The recommendations presented have been reviewed and endorsed by the Committee on Infection and Immunisation of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


Frankly they just don't know whether Wakefield is right or not but have hunted out technicalities in his research to hound him out of the country and now out of the profession because what he had to say was at odds with the Government line.

A coincidence is that Minimus (the allergic child) developed his first signs of an allergic reaction within hours of receiving his first "baby" injections. Not MMR but the bog standard  ones. The cause was so obvious to our GP that no further vaccinations have been given to the child. This policy has since been supported by not one, not two but 7 consultants in four different health authority areas but still the fvcking health visitors want us to have him "immunised" Banghead

Personally I support Dr Wakefield 100%
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 11:46:53 AM by Snoopy »
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

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Re: MMR ~ Dr Wakefiled Struck Off
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 11:41:04 AM »
Doctors always gang up on dissidents. the bastards  Angry9:
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Offline Uncle Mort

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Re: MMR ~ Dr Wakefield Struck Off
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2010, 11:52:43 AM »
Perhaps you should read this:


I think Wakefield is the bastard here.

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Re: MMR ~ Dr Wakefield Struck Off
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2010, 12:45:30 PM »
The point is that they have gone after him not on the grounds that he is wrong but rather that he has "broken ranks". He freely admits that he accepted funding from lawyers acting for parents of children who were looking to sue after their children suffered damage ~ he does question the amount that has been bandied around by the tabloids
They claim he failed to follow "ethical" procedures ~ neither did Louise Pasteur and Edward Jenner.
They claim he did not act in the children's best interests ~ but he did prove that some of them had contracted a nasty illness and that it was probably caused by a reaction to the MMR vacine.

Let's be honest ~ Wakefield was always going to lose ... not because his science was wrong but because he was up against the richest vested interests in the world AKA The major Pharmaceutical Companies

In another age he will be vindicated .... when enough children have died. It won't be the first time that the Pharmaceutical Companies have vilified someone and a few years later quietly withdrawn their much defended treatment.
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Offline Uncle Mort

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Re: MMR ~ Dr Wakefield Struck Off
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 01:19:03 PM »
No, they "went after him" because he was wrong and because his research was totally flawed. He proved nothing.
Quote from: Snoopy
He freely admits that he accepted funding from lawyers acting for parents of children who were looking to sue after their children suffered damage

Quote from: GMC Report
Dr Wakefield did not disclose matters which could legitimately give rise to a perception of a conflict of interest. He failed to disclose to the Ethics Committee and to the Editor of the Lancet his involvement in the MMR litigation and his receipt of funding from the Legal Aid Board.

Of course Wakefield (is he a Mr. now) had his own vested interests:
He also failed to disclose to the Editor of the Lancet his involvement as the inventor of a patent relating to a new vaccine for the elimination of the measles virus (Transfer Factor) which he also claimed in the patent application, would be a treatment for inflammatory bowel disease

Quote from: Snoopy
In another age he will be vindicated .... when enough children have died. It won't be the first time that the Pharmaceutical Companies have vilified someone and a few years later quietly withdrawn their much defended treatment.

You have examples? 

It seems to me that the only children that have died are some of those who contracted measles because of the low takeup of the MMR.

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Re: MMR ~ Dr Wakefield Struck Off
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 01:33:48 PM »
I'm not going to argue with you about it. The simple fact is that MMR vaccine is bred on  chick embryos and thus is possibly contaminated with egg ~ it is therefore dangerous to suggest that ALL CHILDREN should be immunised when it was perfectly possible to immunise against the individual illnesses without using the triple vaccine. Dogma has got in the way of parental choice.

Very few children, given proper medical care, die from measles

As for Dr Wakefield (Yes he is still qualified and entitled to call himself doctor) he was on the radio yesterday saying that he had accepted money from Lawyers and yes he should perhaps, with hindsight, have made this more clear but he did not hide the fact. many knew where his funding came from and nobody worried until people started to ask if the triple vaccine was  suspect.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Offline Uncle Mort

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Re: MMR ~ Dr Wakefield Struck Off
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2010, 02:06:46 PM »
The egg business is a red herring, as you said, "Minimus was given not MMR but the bog standard ones"

Egg allergy was not what Dr. Wakefield's research was about.