The Virtual Pub

Come Inside... => The Medical Centre => Topic started by: Miss Demeanour on June 24, 2011, 07:23:33 AM

Title: Diabetes DIY Cure
Post by: Miss Demeanour on June 24, 2011, 07:23:33 AM (

Britain's 2.5 million people with Type 2 diabetes are offered new hope today as scientists show the disease can be reversed in as little as seven days by going on a crash-course diet.

Adhering to the strict 600 calorie-a-day diet causes fat levels in the pancreas to plummet, restoring normal function, found Prof Roy Taylor of Newcastle University.

Starve em ...that's the answer  noooo:
Title: Re: Diabetes DIY Cure
Post by: Snoopy on June 24, 2011, 07:47:30 AM
 rubschin: Worth a try I suppose ~ but within a few weeks I expect some other learned body will come up with "evidence" that the "specially formulated drinks and non-starchy vegetables" cause cancer or summat.