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Come Inside... => The Commons => Topic started by: Nick on November 07, 2020, 05:16:54 PM

Title: Hurray
Post by: Nick on November 07, 2020, 05:16:54 PM
Trump has been defeated

Trouble is, what damage will he do between now and January?
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Steve on November 07, 2020, 06:00:49 PM
Seems an early call by the networks IMHO there's loads of votes to be counted yet
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Nick on November 07, 2020, 06:03:36 PM
It's in the bag. :thumbsup:  The BBC News channel is showing images of people dancing in the streets
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Miss Demeanour on November 07, 2020, 06:14:00 PM
Just keep him away from any of the big red buttons now  scared2:
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 06:48:59 PM
And you seriously think that a Biden Harris presidency is going to be a good thing? In any event it isn't going to matter, I give it 6 months at best before Pelosi hits Biden with the 25th amendment on the grounds of his clear mental decline to shove him out of office and make Harris president and that will be an utter disaster.
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Nick on November 07, 2020, 06:50:57 PM
I sense we disagree about this
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 07:10:35 PM
I would rather have seen a better democrat candidate be put up against Trump and certainly not one who managed to make themselves a multi millionaire while in office, there is too much circumstantial evidence of Biden using his position to enrich himself and his family for there not to be serious concerns there. Not to mention that his mental decline has reached the point that in one appearance he thought he was running against Bush again not to mention that at one rally he couldn't tell the difference between one of his granddaughters and his dead son.

In any event it doesn't matter who wins, there have been so many cases of glitches, errors and outright impropriety (such as blocking the windows to count rooms, forcing observers to stay up to 25 ft away from the count rooms meaning they can't observe the count not to mention outright removing observers or refusing access to the count room entirely) that whether it's down to incompetence, conspiracy or a stand alone complex is now irrelevant as trust in the electoral system has been has been fatally damaged. There needs to be a complete and open investigation into the entire process and I can't see that happening under the Biden and the Democrats.
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Steve on November 07, 2020, 07:38:26 PM
One of the most brilliant things about this is Trump telling his own voters not to vote by post was probably the thing that lost it for him
An arrogant evil man fucked up his own legacy, what's not to like?
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 07:58:08 PM
How do you define evil? He's the first president not to start a war with a foreign power plus he has done more for the middle east peace process than the last 3 administrations combined.
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Nick on November 07, 2020, 08:03:38 PM
And Farage predicted Trump to win and bet £10K on it. WHat a dick!
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 08:05:37 PM
I notice that while the pair of you are gloating neither of you are answering my points.
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Nick on November 07, 2020, 08:11:38 PM
Trump is an arsehole. A sexist, racist, misogynist, divisive crook. He owes 400 million personally to creditors and the banks are closing in on his estates which are mortgaged to the hilt. His family are idiots and crooks. He pays more tax in China than in the USA and he is an all round cunt. I look forward to seeing Biden in the WH and if Harris succeeds him I will rejoice.

I hope to see him convicted and bankrupted soon
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 08:48:25 PM
Trump is an arsehole. A sexist, racist, misogynist, divisive crook. He owes 400 million personally to creditors and the banks are closing in on his estates which are mortgaged to the hilt. His family are idiots and crooks. He pays more tax in China than in the USA and he is an all round cunt. I look forward to seeing Biden in the WH and if Harris succeeds him I will rejoice.

I hope to see him convicted and bankrupted soon

So you are saying that Trump is a racist, OK answer me this one. If that is the case then why did he spend a small fortune when he first bought Mar a Lago fighting the local authorities so that he could allow members of the black and jewish communities to use it he repeatedly denounced both white supremacists and the former leader of the Klu Klux Klan, David Duke. Now lets look at your messiah Biden, numerous blatantly racist quotes over the years and had previously been on the campaign trail with a member of the KKK.

Now let's look at his tax and financial status. The Trump Foundation consists of around 500 business entites and you are trying to say that they are all mortgaged to the hilt? He has more than enough equity to cover his creditors and as for the tax situation while he only owed $750 because of tax laws created by the Democrats he told the IRS to keep the millions he had already paid  for future taxes.

His family are idiots and crooks? All I have to say to that is Hunter Biden. Going from what's been released so far I would say that Joe Biden is a crook who has used his family to enrich himself while being able to deny receiving money from foreign entities.

You say you look forward to seeing Biden and Harris in the White House? So you want:

The destruction of large parts of the Oil and Gas industry causing massive job losses and a huge blow to the US economy.
Massive tax increases and the implementation of a $15 minimum wage leading to at best reduced hours across the board if not a wave of redundancies and closures.
The removal of second amendment rights combined with defunding the police allowing mob rule on the streets as both Biden and Harris have previously voiced support for the rioters.
Truth and Reconciliation boards targeting anybody who supported trump, even voters? Even you can see where that is going to end.
Packing the supreme court, as opposed to trump who simply carried out his mandated duty by replacing empty seats.
The UK being fucked over by Biden who will happily throw us to the wolves to make money off the EU.
An increased military presence in the middle east and the return of the warmongers.

Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 08:53:37 PM
Oh by the way, can you explain what the hell trunalimunumaprzure is?
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Steve on November 07, 2020, 09:00:44 PM
Trump has all the morals and somewhat the looks of Jabba the Hutt.  Having such a sociopath as president was destroying the USA.  Biden may not be a strong rule of iron leader but actually that's a good thing.  Countries have to be led by example and having a mild mannered honest man at the top will be far far better than having Jabba the Hutt Lite
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 09:12:50 PM
Trump has all the morals and somewhat the looks of Jabba the Hutt.  Having such a sociopath as president was destroying the USA.  Biden may not be a strong rule of iron leader but actually that's a good thing.  Countries have to be led by example and having a mild mannered honest man at the top will be far far better than having Jabba the Hutt Lite

Having someone who will easily cave to the far leftist idiots is a good thing? A Biden administration is probably going to end up with America looking like New York does at the moment and that's assuming that he doesn't get replaced by Harris PDQ which would be even worse. And as for Biden being honest. There is enough circumstantial evidence such as blackmailing the Ukranian  president to fire the man leading the investigation into the company Hunter worked for not to mention using Air Force Two to fly him to China for a private equity deal plus testimony from one of his former business partners that would indicate he is anything but honest, just smart enough to use members of his family as a buffer.
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Steve on November 07, 2020, 09:26:16 PM
yes of course that all must be true, Breitbart told you.  Or was it Alex Jones?
here have the truth of the matter.  Biden refused to give aid until Ukraine fired corrupt officials
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Grumpmeister on November 07, 2020, 09:34:41 PM
The allegedly corrupt prosecutor who just happened to be investigating Burisma? At the very least that was a conflict of interest and misuse of power if not outright quid pro quo.

Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Steve on November 07, 2020, 09:48:20 PM
Seems the result is very popular in the UK, fireworks going off all over the country

(credit Aurealis at PofoUk for that one)
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: Darwins Selection on November 08, 2020, 09:35:56 AM
Trump and Biden are two cheeks of the same arse.

American politics amount to nothing more meaningful than any other advertising campaign over there.
Title: Re: Hurray
Post by: apc2010 on November 08, 2020, 02:54:10 PM
Trump and Biden are two cheeks of the same arse.

American politics amount to nothing more meaningful than any other advertising campaign over there.
